A CubeSat mission to measure the composition of the
solar-terrestrial heavy ions

The Mission

The Elfen mission has two science goals:

  1. To understand the heavy ion composition of the solar wind and its influence on the dayside of the Earth’s magnetosphere;
  2. To understand the origin of and processing involving ions in the plasma sheet

To achieve these goals, the Elfen mission will carry two instruments: a spectrometer to determine the in-situ heavy ion composition, and a magnetometer to determine the contemporaneous plasma regime of the Earth’s magnetosphere traversed by the Elfen spacecraft. 

 The Elfen spacecraft has been designed to be a 16U CubeSat, orbiting on a 12 RE ecliptic orbit, in order to cross alternatively the Earth’s magnetosphere and the plasma sheet.


Latest News

Read the latest articles about the Elfen mission.

18, May 2023

Elfen: CDF Study at
Space Park Leicester

18, May 2023

Elfen: Augmented Reality at SPL

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